Thursday, September 27, 2007


Whatever that separates one human from another is not good FOR SURE. And religion or its interpretation or mis-interpretation does the same thing. Wake up before it is TOO LATE.

But patriotism also does the same :-|

How different is patriotism from being fanatic about a religion?

May be patriotism is like devotion to a religion and not fanatism.

If patriotism is not bad then so is devotion to a religion. Isn't it?

Why Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Jain? And why Indian, Pakistani, British, Chinese?

BUT Whatever that separates one human from another is not good FOR SURE. In fact, it is dangerous.


Woman who knew Nothing said...

"Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs built the ark.
Professionals built the Titanic."

ashok said...

have you read the books by Dawkins ( God the delusion) Or by Hitchens ( God is not great)

Woman who knew Nothing said...

nope :(.